Why Physical Therapy?

Physical therapists are rehabilitation specialists extensively trained in evaluation and treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Working in a team approach with your doctor, your physical therapist:

  • Evaluates the joints, muscles, and nerves of the spine and works to determine the best individualized treatment program for you. Most importantly, you will learn how to best self manage your pain.
  • Initiates pain –reducing steps including ice, heat, Ultrasound, massage, traction and electrical stimulation to help increase your comfort.
  • Utilizes mobilization techniques to help restore normal joint movement to the spine.
  • Assesses your posture and body mechanics. These issues can contribute to your symptoms. Poor postural alignment can cause stress to the joints, muscles and nerves of the spine. Poor body mechanics (the way you move) can overwork the spine, leading to injury.
  • Instructs and trains you in a program of stretching, strengthening and coordination exercises designed to improve posture, strength, flexibility, and healthy spine habits to create long-lasting changes.
  • Helps you get back to living! For example, physical therapy has been shown to reduce the number of work days lost due to physical pain.