General Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Orthopedic rehabilitation is a form of therapy that treats a large variety of conditions that affect the skeletal and muscular systems. A wide range of orthopedic injuries and disabilities, including joint replacements, fractures, neck and lower back disorders and other orthopedic complications, are treated with orthopedic rehabilitation.

Hand Therapy

Hand Therapy is a type of rehabilitation performed by an  physical therapist on patients with conditions affecting the upper extremities including arms, hands, elbows and shoulders.
Patients who require hand therapy may have been affected by an accident, surgery or trauma leaving them with wounds, scars, burns, injured tendons or nerves, fractures, or even amputations of the fingers, hands, or arms. Others include patients who suffer from the effects of conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow, as well as from such chronic problems as arthritis.

Massage Therapy for Tension Headaches

Trigger points (TrPs), or muscle knots, are a common cause of stubborn and strange aches and pains, and yet they are under-diagnosed. Trigger points are easy to massage.

Pain Location Problems Related Muscles
Almost anywhere in the head, face and neck, but especially the side of the head, behind the ear, the temples and forehead. Headache, neck pain, migraine Suboccipital muscles (recti capitis posteriores major and minor, obliqui inferior and superior).